Lawn Reststop on the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76) in Dauphin County, PA. Note that the town of Lawn is in Lebanon County, but that the reststop is just over the line into Dauphin County, as indicted by a sign on the turnpike. Credit Smallbones Wikipedia
PennDot has re-opened 13 rest area locations throughout the keystone state with truck parking and portable toilets after the trucking industry said it would endanger truckers on the road and threaten food supplies.
PennDot had closed rest areas throughout the state two days ago, but took down barricades blocking access to them Thursday.
The nation relies on the trucking industry for timely delivery of food and household goods from farms to many areas, with grocery stores shelves bare and lacking some essential items.
Indoor facilities will still be closed to prevent further spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus, said PennDot spokeswoman Alexis Campbell.
There will be five portable toilets at each site that will be cleaned daily.
Some doctors are concerned however the virus could still be spread through stool contamination and without proper facilities for hand washing the idea of only providing portable toilets without adequate sanitation is a half measure.
Some private businesses are offering truckers use of their facilities if they are locked out of state run sites.
So far truck lines and drivers haven’t stopped deliveries as a result of the policy.
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